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Sara Carter sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/4kjy60
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从 17732428XXX
Colton Stefanich: I?m just gonna go out on a random limb and say that @Devon Everton can?t shotgun alcohol very well
从 17732428XXX
Max Spencer: lung cancer
从 17732428XXX
Aidan Williamson: i?m not kidding
从 17732428XXX
Aidan Williamson: sydney is the catfish guys
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从 17732428XXX
Alex Clarkson: I haven't seen a spoon pic from @Alexis Engleson
从 17732428XXX
Nadia Elkabbani: No spoon but I gotta stick
Nadia Elkabbani sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/2adnaXB
从 17732428XXX
Sydney Anderson: what if this whole time i was the catfish
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Jack Klein: @Sydney Anderson u keeping a spreadsheet or how this gonna work
从 17732428XXX
Chewy: I remember when I was in second grade @Austin
从 17732428XXX
Aidan Williamson: i have a hairbrush if that counts
从 17732428XXX
Franni Fermani: I?ll send a pic in the morning
Aidan Williamson sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/la09Zw
从 17732428XXX
Franni Fermani: guys I?m in bed rn but I go to school w syd I promise I?m real
lily kelly sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/AyE5in
从 17732428XXX
Austin: I don't remember caring @Chewy
从 17732428XXX
grace franklin: Bc he?s hella creepy
从 17732428XXX
Chewy: That?s cool and all Austin sept ion remember askin
Chloe Patterson: Apple >>>> Samsung (3,502 msgs this month-use the app to chat without limits!) http://groupme.com/a
从 17732428XXX
Franni Fermani: why was Charles in this then wtf
Mia Schul sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/bMlX4d
Austin: I don't have a Samsung ??¤?
从 17732428XXX
grace franklin: Wait omfg I doubted that Austin was a person
Sydney Anderson: austin do u have a samsung... that is reason enough to remove
Austin sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/tnxd4ny
从 17732428XXX
natalie nauman: austin you have a nice go pro camera
从 17732428XXX
Chloe Patterson: Bag secured
Chloe Patterson sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/1RGZYU
Devon Everton sent a picture to the group. View it here: http://s.groupme.com/VLR4QoR


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